Published on :   11/28/2018

What could you do during a cruise in Vienna ?

You always wanted to go and visit Vienna but you kept asking yourself, what are the best things to do or to see?

Well you’ve just fell right, because today we are going to see which places you can visit during your trip.

First of all, Vienna is the capital and the biggest city in Austria and besides its very rich history, its geographical and political situation, is crossed by the Danube which is the second biggest river of Europe, this allows the city to be one of the European major hub.

Vienna’s royalty

With its luxurious palaces, the museums and the historic city center registered on the UNESCO world heritage, Vienna is going to charm you.

Visit the imperial palace of Hofburg which was one of the residences of the emperors and the empress. There you can visit different rooms like the bedrooms, the apartments or even the big living room and if you are a fan of the most known empress who is Elisabeth Amélie Eugénie of Wittelsbach also known as “Sissi” or if you want to know her, you must go through the museum in the palace dedicated to the empress.

Furthermore, an other place you cannot miss during the trip is the Schönbrunn castle, always compared to the château de Versailles, he was for a long time the summer residence of the imperial family.

Make the tour of the imperial apartments and enter the intimacy of the former emperors and empresses of Austria. You will not be disappointed by it’s wonderful classicism.

After that, go outside and visit the big park which is 1 kilometer long, you will have the occasion to see:

  • The palm trees greenhouse, the last one in Europe..
  • The Neptune fountain
  • The zoological garden

If you have the time, go visit Augustin’s church, the former parochial church of Hofburg and thus of the imperial family. And visit the Capucin’s church known as the grave of the Habsbourg, the imperial family.

The Viennese culture

Vienna isn’t just known for the imperial family but it is also known for the places and buildings which reflects the Austrian culture.

The national Opera of Vienna, called “Wiener Staatsoper”, was inaugurated the 25th of May 1869 by Mozart himself. It is to this day one of the most prestigious in the world.

Today the Opera is directed by Dominique Meyer who was the former director of the Champs-Elysées Theater. Find everything about our excursions to Vienna's opera.

You still have time for your trip? Why not visit the natural history museum with its 30 million species and objects?

It is one of the most popular attraction in Vienna, in front of the museum you will find the museum of art history. Be careful to not enter the wrong one because they both have the façade.

If you like books you must take a hold and enter the national library of Vienna, the biggest baroque library in Europe.

More than 7 million books are exposed there.

Vienna possesses the world-renowned Spanish school of Equitation. The school you will see the practice of the Lipizzans.

More impressive than the practice of the riders and their horses is the scene it takes place. The performance takes place in the winter riding school of the Imperial Palace covered with chandeliers, balconies and frescoes, in the center of the hard packed surface you will be able to look at the horses and their riders.

Of course during your guided tour, you will maybe walk in front of other monuments and places well known in Vienna:

  • The Stephansplatz, central place of Vienna where you can find the Saint-Etienne cathedral.
  • The Karlsplatz, known for its church.
  • The Naschmarkt, the biggest market of Vienna where you can find products from all around the world.
  • The Hundertwasserhaus, a building with an atypical architecture, which is today a museum dedicated to his architect.
  • The Prater, the most known park in Vienna. There is one of the symbol of the town, the oldest big wheel still in service.

The city of Vienna is particularly vibrant in winter. You will be able to walk between the different Christmas markets and feel the atmosphere thanks to our New Year's Cruise on the Danube

CroisiEurope takes you to Vienna

You suspect it certainly but through some of our cruises on the Danube in Central Europe you will have the opportunity to pass by Vienna and more.

Besides, we propose you various routes with various residence time to satisfy at best your desires.

Our Cruises in Austria

You will find many excursions available such as a wonderfull visit of Schoenbrunn's Castle or a trip down the Imperial Crypt.

And last little tip, during your visit of Vienna, settle down in a café of the city and taste one of the famous Viennese chocolate or coffee. But pay attention on the pronunciation, you should not say “Wiener Kaffe” (Viennes coffee) but “Einspänner”, this is the way they call it in Austria.

Don’t wait anymore, come and embark aboard our cruises!